Sign-up Information
Ages: 12 to 18.
Optional registration
- Sign-up is ongoing
Registration is optional for this event. Read the event description for more information.
This Event is free!
- In-person only.
449 Broadway
Cambridge, MA 02138
संयुक्त राज्य
Mid Cambridge
Dates and Times
मंगलवार, फेब्रुअरी 18 5PM – 6PM
This is a recurring event and is coming up on
Additional information
Have a question before an exam? Tutors are available to help you! Cambridge School Volunteers and the Library are pleased to offer tutoring services in the Teen Room. No registration required. Stop by the Teen Room or call 617-349-4027 to learn more.

मंगलवार, फेब्रुअरी 18 5PM – 6PM
This is a recurring event and is coming up on
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Last updated डिसेम्बर 16, 2024.