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Cambridge Resources Ecosystem Map
In addition to the above, we recently developed a new workshop, the Navigating Cambridge Resources Training, to help staff visualize and understand services in Cambridge.
The map displays many of the services offered in Cambridge and the fields where they operate, allowing you to see them from a community-wide lens. Though the map is available online to anyone, we typically limit this training to the staff of organizations that provide direct support to people in Cambridge due to the lack of accessibility features within its software. That said, after learning how to use the map, participants are able to:
The map displays many of the services offered in Cambridge and the fields where they operate, allowing you to see them from a community-wide lens. Though the map is available online to anyone, we typically limit this training to the staff of organizations that provide direct support to people in Cambridge due to the lack of accessibility features within its software. That said, after learning how to use the map, participants are able to:
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