American Watercolors, 1880–1990: Into the Light

Discover how American watercolorists from Winslow Homer to Hannah Wilke leveraged the imaginative and experimental capacity of the medium to create marvelously diverse works over more than a century.
Sign-up Information
Wheelchair accessible.
No application or registration needed.
$20 Adults
$18 Seniors (65+)
Free Sundays—free to all!
Free All students with a valid ID
Free Harvard ID holders (plus one guest)
Free Harvard Art Museums Friends
Free Youth under 18
Free Cambridge residents (proof of residency required)
- Free for some residents
- In-person only.
Harvard Art Museums
32 Quincy
Cambridge, MA 02138
United States
Neighborhood 9
Dates and Times
Open 10am–5pm
Open Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm
Additional information
On view at the Harvard Art Museums from May 20 to August 13, 2023, the exhibition presents more than a hundred compelling and rarely seen watercolors by both well-known and historically underrepresented American artists. All works are drawn from the Harvard Art Museums’ deep and diverse holdings. Expanding the canon and including many new acquisitions on view for the first time, the exhibition seeks to inspire conversations and enrich today’s practitioners.

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Last updated May 9, 2023.