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Bollywood Night


Office of Mayor Siddiqui


Bollywood Night willt ake place on Thursday, July 27th from 7pm to 9pm at Starlight Square. Doors will open at 6:30pm

It's time for the third annual Bollywood Night! Join Mayor Siddiqui on Wednesday, September 13th for music, henna, food, and a Bhangra performance and lesson! Let's dance!


This 행사 is free!


  • In-person only.

The Foundry

101 Rogers St.
Cambridge, MA 02142


East Cambridge

Dates and Times

Wed, September 13 2023 6:15오후 – 8오후

Doors open at 6:00pm.

Additional information

6:00pm: Doors Open

6:15pm: Henna & Samosas

6:30pm: Dance Performances and Lessons


Bollywood Night willt ake place on Thursday, July 27th from 7pm to 9pm at Starlight Square. Doors will open at 6:30pm

Wed, September 13 2023 6:15오후 – 8오후

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Elizabeth Pierre

The Mayor's Office

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Last updated 9월 13, 2023.