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CYL Bring-A-Friend Day!


Cambridge Youth Lacrosse


A take 5 - water break!

Bring your friends and classmates out for a fun afternoon of lacrosse!


This Evento is free!

This event is FREE for athletes and friends. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED

As always, please consider a tax-deductible donation to CYL to support future events like these!


  • In-person only.

Danehy Park
Cambridge, MA 02140
Estados Unidos


North Cambridge

For best parking, use New St. or Fern St. lots! We'll be having fun on fields #3 and #4.

Dates and Times

Sun, October 1 2023 2PM – 4PM

  • Girls
    • Grades 1-4 from 2-3pm on Danehy Field #3
    • Grades 5-8 from 3-4pm on Danehy Field #3
  • Boys
    • All Grades from 2-4pm on Danehy Field #4

Additional information

CYL Bring-a-Friend Day is here! Spread the word and bring your neighbors, classmates, friends, and teammates out for a fun afternoon of lacrosse.

  • Meet coaches and fellow parents.
  • Play games and win prizes.
  • Cap the day off with an ice cream social!

The event is FREE for athletes and friends. NO EXPERIENCE REQUIRED!

Please RSVP, so we can get an accurate headcount for activities and treats!



A take 5 - water break!

Sun, October 1 2023 2PM – 4PM

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Last updated Setembro 25, 2023.