Danehy Park Family Day
Join us for a day of fun-filled children's amusement rides, arts and crafts, face painting, live music, performers, free snacks, and lots or resources and giveaways at Danehy Park!
Sign-up Information
Refreshments provided.
Wheelchair accessible.
No application or registration needed.
This Event is free!
- In-person only.
99 Sherman Street
Cambridge, MA 02140
United States
North Cambridge
- Transportation provided to the venue; see notes below.
- Transportation provided from the venue; see notes below.
Danehy Park is a 55-acre facility located at 99 Sherman Street in North Cambridge (adjacent to Garden and New Streets). Shuttle buses will be running throughout Cambridge to provide transportation. Each shuttle stop has pick-up times listed for transportation to Danehy Park. Return shuttles depart Danehy Park every hour. Danehy Park can be reached by public transportation: #74 bus or #78 bus from Harvard Square; #83 bus from Central Square; or take a shuttle bus from the Alewife MBTA Station. Picnics and lawn chairs are welcome.
Dates and Times
Saturday, September 21, 11AM – 3PM
See the performers' schedule at https://www.cambridgema.gov/danehyparkfamilyday.
Additional information
Enjoy a free, fun-filled day of children's amusement rides, activities, arts and crafts, music and roving performers, plus food and giveaways (while supplies last)! Check out performances throughout the day at the children's stage. This free event, sponsored by the City of Cambridge, attracts 8,000-10,000 people annually and offers something for everyone. For more information visit https://www.cambridgema.gov/danehyparkfamilyday (includes performers schedule and the shuttle bus schedule).
Saturday, September 21, 11AM – 3PM
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Last updated August 22, 2024.