Gallery Talk: Seeing through Laughter—Thomas Rowlandson

Explore humor in art, exemplified by a selection of Thomas Rowlandson’s watercolors satirizing daily life in 18th-century Britain.
Sign-up Information
Wheelchair accessible.
The Harvard Art Museums are committed to accessibility for all visitors. For anyone requiring accessibility accommodations for our programs, please contact us at at least 48 hours in advance.
Registration required
- Specific dates
Gallery talks are limited to 18 people and registration is required. You can register by clicking on the event on this form, beginning at 10am the day of the talk.
This الحدث is free!
- In-person only.
Harvard Art Museums
32 Quincy
Cambridge, MA 02138
الولايات المتحدة
Neighborhood 9
Dates and Times
Tue, April 23 2024 12:30مساء – 1مساء
Additional information
Join curatorial intern Joseph Foo ’26 for a lively conversation about a group of humorous yet insightful watercolors by Thomas Rowlandson. A satirist of the Georgian era, Rowlandson masterfully incorporated biting social commentaries into his delightful drawings that stir and amuse the mind. Whether you are looking for art historical facts for trivia night or a simple laugh, we have something for you!

Tue, April 23 2024 12:30مساء – 1مساء
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Last updated أبريل 15, 2024.