Gallery Talk
Join museum staff for a fresh look at objects in the collections through the lens of various topics.
Sign-up Information
Wheelchair accessible.
Registration required
- Specific dates
Gallery talks are limited to 18 people, and it is required that you reserve your place. At 10am the day of the event, reservations will open and may be arranged online through this form. The gallery talk reservation will also serve as your general museum reservation. If required, visitors will pay the museum admission fee upon arrival.
$20 Adults
$18 Seniors (65+)
Free Sundays—free to all!
Free All students with a valid ID
Free Harvard ID holders (plus one guest)
Free Harvard Art Museums Friends
Free Youth under 18
Free Cambridge residents (proof of residency required)
- Free for some residents
- In-person only.
Harvard Art Museums
32 Quincy
Cambridge, MA 02138
মার্কিন যুক্তরাষ্ট্র
Neighborhood 9
Please meet in the Calderwood Courtyard, in front of the digital screens between the shop and the admissions desk.
Dates and Times
Thu, September 15 2022 12:30অপরাহ্ন – 1অপরাহ্ন
Additional information
Our galleries are full of stories—this series of talks gives visitors a chance to hear the best ones! The talks highlight new works on view, take a fresh look at old favorites, investigate artists’ materials and techniques, and reveal the latest discoveries by curators, conservators, fellows, visiting artists, technologists, and other contributors.
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Last updated সেপ্টেম্বর 2, 2022.