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Italian Choir: Coro Dante Fall 2023 Season Starts Sep 18th!


Coro Dante

Coro Dante Announces its 2023 Season!

At Coro Dante we share our love for Italian music and culture and a strong sense of community. This unique combination, expressed in song, is the gift we share with each other and with our audiences.

No application or registration needed.


Member dues $80 per person per semester. Student rate $40. Our Coro is dedicated to being accessible to all. Please contact us if you cannot meet this obligation.


  • In-person only.

Dante Alighieri Society

41 Hampshire St
Cambridge, MA 02139
संयुक्त राज्य

Dates and Times

Coro Dante rehearsals are every Monday, starting Sep 18th, from 7pm to 8:30pm. After rehearsal, coro members may stay to enjoy refreshments and casual conversation. This can be an opportunity to practice your Italian or just connect with other coro members. Italian language skills are not required and all are welcome.

Coro Dante Announces its 2023 Season!

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Last updated सेप्टेम्बर 1, 2023.