MLK Day 2025 Math & STEAM/STEM Festival for Families

A FREE festival of fun math games and puzzles for kids in grades K-8 and their families. We'll have 10 stations of activities and each activity takes approximately 15 mins. Win prizes for completion!
Sign-up Information
Ages: 5 to 16 and Adults.
Grades Kindergarten through 8th grade.
This event is for Cambridge students in grades 1-8 and their families.
Optional registration
- Specific dates
If you would like to VOLUNTEER at the event, please fill out the form in the link above. Otherwise, no registration needed.
This Event is free!
- In-person only.
Fletcher Maynard Academy
225 Windsor St
Cambridge, MA 02139
संयुक्त राज्य
The Port
Dates and Times
सोमवार, जनवरी 20 10AM – 12PM
Additional information
Date: Monday, January 20, 2025
Time: 10AM - 12PM
Where: Fletcher-Maynard Academy, 225 Windsor Street, Cambridge, MA 02139

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Last updated डिसेम्बर 9, 2024.