Wolf Vostell: Dé-coll/age Is Your Life
See how Wolf Vostell created art, as well as an expansive aesthetic philosophy, that challenged human complacency toward war, genocide, and other catastrophic world events.
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Wheelchair accessible.
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- In-person only.
Harvard Art Museums
32 Quincy
Cambridge, MA 02138
Estados Unidos
Neighborhood 9
Dates and Times
Open 10am–5pm
Open Tuesday-Sunday 10am-5pm
Closed on major holidays
Additional information
A witness to the brutality of World War II and its aftermath in Germany, Wolf Vostell (1932–1998) committed his artistic practice to remembering the atrocities of war, violence, and genocide. His art originated from his aesthetic philosophy of dé-coll/age, the use of destruction in art to generate consciousness of destruction in life. Nuclear warfare, Cold War aggression, technological disaster, environmental devastation, and above all, the genocidal acts of the Nazi regime shaped his understanding of aesthetics...
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Last updated Dezembro 7, 2023.