Cambridge Friends School
A private, independent day school in Cambridge, Massachusetts that provides an education guided by Quaker principles for grades Pre-K through 8.
5 Cadbury Road
Cambridge, MA 02140
United States
Neighborhood 9 and North Cambridge
Hours of operation
Additional information
It is the mission of Cambridge Friends School to provide an outstanding education. Guided by Quaker Principles, we engage students in meaningful academic learning within a caring community strongly committed to social justice. We expect all students to develop their intellectual, physical, creative, and spiritual potential and, through the example of their lives, to challenge oppression and to contribute to justice and understanding in the world.
Cambridge Friends School Admissions
General Questions
617-354-38805 Cadbury Road
Cambridge, MA 02140
United States
Neighborhood 9 and North Cambridge
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Last updated May 22, 2024.