This 会社 has not been updated in more than two years.

We recommend you try to verify information using the contact information below before making plans.

Malik Academy

We have continued to grow our academic, civic, and athletic programs, helping elevate students to their highest levels of achievement.

Hours of operation
月曜日: 8:00 午前-5:30 午後
火曜日: 8:00 午前-5:30 午後
水曜日: 8:00 午前-5:30 午後
木曜日: 8:00 午前-5:30 午後
金曜日: 8:00 午前-5:30 午後


Malik Academy Main Line


Al-Bustan Preschool

808 Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02139

Cambridgeport and Riverside

Additional information

Developing character strength has led our young men and women to serve others in Boston and across the country.