1:1 Tutoring & Mentoring Program
Volunteer tutors work 1-on-1 with youth in grades 4 - 12 to improve academic and social skills through the school year in a safe, structured, and welcoming community.
Sign-up Information
Ages: 11 to 14.
Grades 4th grade through 12th grade.
Cambridge residents only.
Eligibility for this program is based on the student's grade level. Students must be in 4th - 12th grade.
This program is open to students who live in the Fresh Pond Apartments.
Refreshments provided and Wheelchair accessible.
Registration required
- Sign-up is ongoing
Signup will begin on September 13th, 2023.
- Families will complete our online application form.
- Families will sign necessary documents either virtually in hard copy.
- Tutoring Plus staff will conduct a listening conference with caregiver and student to understand student's personality, interests, and academic goals.
- Tutoring Plus staff will confirm a program location, day of the week, and start date.
This Program is free!
- In-person only.
362 Rindge Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
225 Windsor St.
Cambridge, MA 02139
The Port
402 Rindge Ave
Cambridge, MA 02140
North Cambridge
675 Concord Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
840 Cambridge Street
Cambridge, MA 02141
Dates and Times
This program runs during the school year.
Monday through Thursday.
October 10 - June 13, 2024. Programs usually runs 5:00 PM - 7:00 PM (Fresh Pond Apartments time is 5:30-7:15 PM).
Additional information
This program provides: 1:1 tutoring and mentoring, group curriculum, enrichment programming. Students attend program one night per week, and each location is offered at different days of the week. We determine which day of the week and location a student attends based on availability, grade, where the student lives, and other factors.
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Last updated 十月 15, 2024.