Cambridge Preschool of the Arts Day Programs
We are a Reggio Emilia-influenced Jewish group of schools at 4 locations for ages infancy to 1st grade with extended-day programming until 5:30 or 6:00 PM on weekdays.
Sign-up Information
Ages: Infant to 6.
Grades Toddler through 1st grade.
Application required
- Sign-up is ongoing
You can visit our Application Information page to get the necessary documents you'll need to complete, a description of the process, and a review of the timeline needed to apply.
See our tuition page for cost options: Cambridge Preschool of the Arts Tuition and Admissions Page.
- Financial Aid and/or Scholarship Available
We cannot provide financial aid for infant enrollment at this time. We have limited financial assistance available for families in-need and are committed to supporting every chidl and family as best as we can. Please complete the form via our website to request financial aid. We will follow-up with you to determine if you qualify.
- In-person only.
299 Concord Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02138
West Cambridge
65 Banks Street
Cambridge, MA 02138
Mid Cambridge, Neighborhood 9, Riverside, and West Cambridge
243 Hampshire Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
Mid Cambridge
8 Museum Way
Cambridge, MA 02141
Area 2, East Cambridge, and Wellington Harrington
Please see our location page to reference the specific age groups that are served at each location.
Dates and Times
This is an ongoing program.
Monday through Friday.
We offer Full Year or Academic Year options.
Additional information
Check out our website or click on the individual links to read more about the program for that age group.
- Infant Program: 6-14 Months
- Toddler Program: 15 Months - 2.8 Years
- Preschool Program: 2.9 - 4 Years Old
- Pre-K Program: 4 Years Old
- Tamim Academy: K-1st Grade
- JUDA Enrichment Afterschool Program: Ages 5-12 (bussing now available from the Amigos and Baldwin schools).
We also host a Saturday event series and outdoor classroom at our school called the Family Shabbat Program.
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Last updated 五月 16, 2024.