Free Online Tutoring (K-12)


Boston Community Tutoring


Student learning in school.

We have an exciting opportunity for you! Boston Community Tutoring (BCT) offers free, one-on-one virtual tutoring for students in K-12.

Registration required

  • Sign-up is ongoing

Fill out this form to register. Once registered, we will match you with a tutor in the coming weeks. 


This Program is free!


The program serves people at their homes or wherever it is needed or online.

  • Only virtual (online or over the phone).

It is fully online, so there is no transportation needed.

Dates and Times

This is an ongoing program.

Every day.

Afternoon and Evening.

Hours depend on the tutor's and tutee's schedules. 

Additional information

Program continues to run during

Winter vacation, February vacation, and April vacation



Student learning in school.

This is an ongoing program.

Every day.
View more dates

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Last updated April 30, 2024.