SEED Academy
MIT Introduction to Technology, Engineering, and Science (MITES)

SEED Academy is an academic enrichment and career exploration program for public middle and high school students To learn more about the SEED Academy, please visit our homepage at
Sign-up Information
- Boston, Cambridge, or Lawrence public school students
- Boston, Cambridge, or Lawrence residents
- U.S. citizens or permanent residents with a valid green card
- Currently enrolled in 7th, 8th, 9th, or 10th grade
Ages: 12 to 15.
Grades 7th grade through 10th grade.
To be eligible for SEED Academy, applicants must be:
Application required
- Specific dates
This Program is free!
- Both in-person and virtual (online or over the phone).
77 Massachusetts Avenue,
Cambridge, MA 02142
ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ
Area 2
Dates and Times
This program runs during the school year.
Visit the Seed Academy website to learn more!
Additional information
SEED Academy is an academic enrichment and career exploration program for public middle and high school students from Boston, Cambridge, and Lawrence, Massachusetts who have a strong academic record and interest in science and engineering. To learn more about the SEED Academy, please visit our homepage at

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Last updated January 4, 2022.