Summer Lacrosse Wednesdays


Cambridge Youth Lacrosse

Photo of lacrosse player leading an jumping jacks exercise.

Join us for Summer Lacrosse Wednesdays, no experience needed, just a place to have fun and play lacrosse with your peers for free!

Optional registration

  • Sign-up is ongoing

Informal Registration begins in June. Registration is optional, you are welcome to drop-in when you can make it!


Summer Program is **FREE**. We recognize that lacrosse is an expensive sport to play. The goal of CYL is to enable any child wishing to play lacrosse in Cambridge to do so. Through generous donations, we are able to offer some financial assistance to those families most in need for our programs that include cost for participation or equipment.


  • In-person only.

Danehy Park Fields 3-4

99 Sherman Street
Cambridge, MA 02140
Estados Unidos


Neighborhood 9 and North Cambridge

Practices at Danehy Park

Dates and Times

This program runs during the summer.



From 6:00-8:00PM at Danehy Park turf weather permitting, Wednesdays July-August.

Additional information

Fast and fun pick-up style lacrosse games at Danehy Park against teams from Belmont, Arlington, and Watertown. Kids are grouped by age and town. Summer Lacrosse Wednesdays are FREE to the CYL Community and  NO EXPERIENCE NECESSARY! This is a great way to learn the game and work on stick skills, passing, and quickness in a causal environment. A lot of fun ALL backed by great CYL and CRLS varsity squad coaching!


Cambridge Youth Lacrosse

General Information

Send us an email if you have questions or to let us know you're coming!

Photo of lacrosse player leading an jumping jacks exercise.

Cambridge Youth Lacrosse

General Information

Request assistance

This program runs during the summer.


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Last updated Abril 25, 2024.