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Harvard Art Museums
Jade Xiao will explore how art exists both within reality and makes its own realities.
শনিবার, ফেব্রুয়ারী 15, 2025
11পূর্বাহ্ন – 11:50পূর্বাহ্ন
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Cambridge Public Library
Free event at the Cambridge Public Library.
11:30পূর্বাহ্ন – 12:30অপরাহ্ন
Registration required
Come to the Library to create something special!
1অপরাহ্ন – 3অপরাহ্ন
In honor of Black History Month, stop by for a free movie screening of the 2022 film Black Panther 2 directed by Ryan Coogler.
Join curatorial fellow Peter Murphy for an in-depth discussion of Katharina Sieverding’s Transformer.
1অপরাহ্ন – 1:30অপরাহ্ন
1:30অপরাহ্ন – 4:30অপরাহ্ন
Giselle Acosta will explore the lens through which artists depict their models, specifically the ones they elevate to the rank of muse.
2অপরাহ্ন – 2:50অপরাহ্ন
MIT Museum
Do a deeper dive in MIT Collects and learn more about the museum's collections that reveal the history of MIT's Black students, faculty, staff, and alumni.
2অপরাহ্ন – 2:30অপরাহ্ন
Arielle Frommer will explore how an understanding of astronomy can enhance one’s perspective on art.
রবিবার, ফেব্রুয়ারী 16, 2025
Milen Negasi and Hanna Carney will explore the theme of glory through the works of three Black American artists.
Cambridge Council on Aging
Join us for Whist Fridays 11:30pm -2:30pm at the North Cambridge Senior Center
Jose Mateo Ballet Theatre
We offer summer ballet classes and dance programs, primarily for children of all levels ages 3-10 years-old.
Cambridge Economic Opportunity Committee (CEOC)
We can help you with many housing-related services, including signing up for the Cambridge Affordable Housing list, preventing eviction, resolving issues with property managers, and more.
Kroka Expeditions
Kroka is a wilderness expedition school for young people based on an organic farm in Marlow, New Hampshire.
Helping Hands
We help senior citizens, the immuno-compromised, and people with disabilities or preexisting medical conditions by organizing a volunteer to deliver groceries, medicine, and other necessary supplies.
Cambridge YMCA
At the Cambridge YMCA After School Program, children have many opportunities to grow and discover new hobbies and interests.
Big Sister Association of Greater Boston
We empower women, girls, and nonbinary folks through a variety of gender-intentional programs and opportunities.
Cambridge Office of Early Childhood (OEC)
Known as universal preschool, we provide free preschool to Cambridge 4 year-olds and some 3 year-olds beginning in September.
Application required
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Eastern Massachusetts
This is our traditional program where adult mentors are paired with children ages 7-12. Bigs agree to meet Littles for 3 hours, a couple of times a month.
MBTA Travel Training
We provide group and individual training about how to safely ride the MBTA. Safety, trip planning, accessibility, how to read maps and schedules, reduced fares, and more.
The Port
The Job Connector by MIT is a workforce development hub for Cambridge residents. Connect with us to explore opportunities for job readiness, skill training, internships, apprenticeships, and more.
Area 2 and East Cambridge
Global Affairs | Education Affaires | Social Affairs | Interfaith Affairs | Media We aim to foster peace, interfaith dialogue, and mutual understanding among diverse communities, cultures, and faiths.
Green Cambridge works to create a more sustainable city and to protect the environment for the health and safety of all.
Baldwin, Neighborhood 9, and West Cambridge
Parent Cooperative preschool located in Harvard Square since 1959. We have 2, 3, and 5 day options as well as half and full school days to choose from.
Outside Cambridge
We are a boundless community of climbers and adventurers that exists to inspire personal connections and ignite physical potential.