Annual Cambridge Safer Homes, Safer Community: Gun Buy-Back Day to Take Place June 12th

This public health and public safety event will provide residents with an opportunity to anonymously and safely dispose of their unwanted firearms and, in turn, reduce the potential for an accidental
Sign-up Information
Ages: Pre-natal to 18 and Adult.
No application or registration needed.
This Event is free!
- In-person only.
170 Rindge Avenue
Cambridge, MA 02140
United States
North Cambridge
The Reservoir Church will provide a safe, convenient location for participants to drop off unwanted guns with no questions asked and no ID required. Residents are asked to bring firearms unloaded with the safety engaged in a bag, box or case. The unloaded firearms can be left inside the trunk of your vehicle upon arrival.
Dates and Times
Sat, June 12 2021 9AM – 12PM
For those who cannot attend the event on June 12th, gift cards will be honored if pickups are scheduled during the weeks leading up toand after the June 12th event (Monday, June 7 – Friday, June 18). Residents should call (617) 349-6009 to make an appointment.
Additional information
The City of Cambridge, in conjunction with the Middlesex Sheriff's Office, and local community and faith-based organizations will partner to once again host a "Safer Homes, Safer Communities" regional gun buyback initiative on Saturday, June 12.

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Last updated May 24, 2021.