Child Safety Seat Installation

Make arrangements to learn about car seats and have your child safety seats checked for proper installation.
Sign-up Information
Ages: Pre-natal to 8 and Adults.
Children in Massachusetts are required to use a car seat until they are 8 years old or over 57 inches tall.
Registration required
- Sign-up is ongoing
To make arrangements to have your child safety seats checked for proper installation in the future, please provide the best phone number and/or email for an officer to contact you to schedule your appointment via this email form.
When submitting your form, please provide the best phone number and/or email for an officer to contact you to schedule your appointment. Note that installs and inspections are only scheduled for Mondays, staff permitting, between noon and 8 p.m.
This Program is free!
- In-person only.
125 6th Street
Cambridge, MA 02142
ዩናይትድ ስቴትስ
East Cambridge
Dates and Times
This is an ongoing program.
Afternoon and Evening.
Please note that installs and inspections are scheduled on Mondays, staffing permitting, between noon and 8 p.m. An officer will follow up to confirm your appointment.
Additional information
The Cambridge Police Department has officers trained in child passenger safety. These officers will inspect and teach the proper installation of car seats to any Cambridge resident.
Note: Massachusetts Law requires that all children riding in passenger motor vehicles must be in a federally-approved child passenger restraint that is properly fastened and secured until they are 8 years old or over 57 inches tall. When children outgrow their booster seats (usually around age 8, but more importantly, when they are taller than 57 inches), they must wear a seat belt that is properly adjusted and fastened according to the manufacturer's instructions until the age of 13.

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Last updated May 22, 2024.