Food Pantry: Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House (MFNH)
The Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House food services program provides emergency food to over 16,000 individuals and families each year.
Sign-up Information
Ages: Adults.
Registration required
- Sign-up is ongoing
These are the eligibility requirements for the Margaret Fuller House Food Pantry. Please bring these documents in order to register:
1) Utility Bill (Light/ Gas/ Telephone/or Copy of Lease)
2) Picture ID (Mass. ID / Must be Government Issued)
3) Family members (Over 18): Adult ID
Mass. Health: Insurance Card/ or Birth Certificate for children under 18
4) Cambridge and Out-of-Cambridge clients are eligible
5) Registration is renewed every year on July 1st
This Program is free!
- In-person only.
71 Cherry Street
Cambridge, MA 02139
United States
The Port
Dates and Times
This is an ongoing program.
Wednesday through Saturday.
Wednesday: 4:30PM - 6:30PM
Thursday: 2PM- 5PM
Friday: 9AM - 12PM
Saturday: 10AM - 1PM
Additional information
Our emergency food pantry provides low to moderate income individuals a two week supply of food twice a month. This important service is growing in need as our statistics show a steady increase of individuals requiring access to affordable food.
Also, remember to stop by our special Food Box Saturdays through September 12! On this one special day of the week, everyone is invited, you do not need to be a Cambridge resident, and you do not need to register to receive a free box of fresh produce.
Corey Haynes
Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House Food Pantry
617-547-4680Corey Haynes
Margaret Fuller Neighborhood House Food Pantry
617-547-4680Share with your friends!
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Last updated November 22, 2022.