Supports for Older Adults

We provide several support services for senior citizens in Cambridge each year including regular outreach meetings, education on common scams or general safety, and our Secret Santa for Seniors event.
Sign-up Information
Ages: Adults.
Cambridge residents only.
No application or registration needed.
This Program is free!
The program location changes over time.
- In-person only.
Dates and Times
This is an ongoing program.
Additional information
As part of the Social Justice Group, the Cambridge Police Department also has one officer assigned to senior outreach. Each month, the Senior Outreach Officer holds a meeting with senior citizens at the Citywide Senior Center, North Cambridge Senior Center, 55 Essex Street JFK Apartments, 237 Franklin Street Miller Rivers Apartments and 2 Mt. Auburn Street Putnam Square Apartments. Additionally, the Officer hosts quarterly meetings at four locations throughout the city and the annual Senior Citizen’s Police Academy. Through these meetings and academies, the Officer educates seniors on these scams, as well as crime trends, safety information and any other relevant items. They are also a member of the Council on Aging Board of Directors and the Cambridge Elder Abuse Prevention Coalition (CEAPC).

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Last updated মে 20, 2024.