RECESS Summer Events
Cambridge Public Schools, City of Cambridge, and Cambridge Department of Public Works

We're hosting drop-in events with activities that support the skill development, exploration, and positive relationship building of 10 to 14-year-olds designed and implemented by Cambridge teens.
Sign-up Information
Ages: 10 to 14.
Grades 4th grade through 9th grade.
Students who are rising 5th-9th graders (who will be entering those grades in Fall 2023) are welcome.
Refreshments provided and Wheelchair accessible.
No application or registration needed.
This 행사 is free!
- In-person only.
Corner of Berkshire and Cambridge Streets
Cambridge, MA 02141
East Cambridge and Wellington Harrington
- Gold Star Pool = July 28th
- Hoyt Field = August 6th
- Starlight Square = September 3rd
Dates and Times
Fri, July 28 2023 5오후 – 9오후
See specific event dates, times, and locations for the schedule.
Additional information
RECESS is a citywide collaboration aimed at creating a vibrant middle school activity hub, brought to you by the talented teens from the Mayor's Summer Youth Employment Program. This summer's version of RECESS is teaming up with various events across Cambridge to host community-based "pop-ups" tailored to young people entering grade 6, 7, or 8 for the upcoming school year.
From July 5th - August 11th, 2023, nine Mayor’s Summer Youth Employment Program (MSYEP) students and staff will make up the Recess team. Together, we’ll partner with Cambridge’s role models, organizations, and institutions to design, produce, and staff five events this Summer. These Teen-created events will serve Cambridge’s Middle Grade youth. Recess events strengthen existing offerings, non-profits, and community traditions that serve our young people.

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Last updated 7월 21, 2023.